Join the pack..........
Sponsor a K9Each day retired working dogs across the country need veterinary care. The branches of military service or law enforcement departments they once worked for no longer cover the costs associated with their care upon retirement. This includes any physical or veterinary care needed to ensure a long healthy life following years of dedicated service.
Paws of Honor has joined forces with
Getting Involved
HELP A Retired Canine
Paws of Honor ensures these K9s receive the quality care they deserve by covering 100% of Veterinary Care costs continuing the dogs overall health and wellness. You can help by sponsoring one of these dogs in their retirement.
MakING a Donation
By donating today your gift directly supports the care of the K9s enrolled in the Paws of Honor Veterinary Care Program!

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Current Active Dogs in Program Estimate: 146
Average Life in Retirement per K9: 3-5 years
Average Cost of Retirement per K9: $5,000 – $8,000

Sponsorship Options Per Program K9 (based on averages):
- Lifetime Sponsorship: $6,500 (4 years median)
- Yearly Sponsorship: $1625 (4 years median)
- Monthly Sponsorship: $140

- Option to create a group by combining sponsorship to reach specific amount monthly/yearly care costs. This option is intended to entice company/business participation and matching initiatives.
- Individual or Group Sponsors will each receive a coveted Paws of Honor Challenge Coin and be featured on our online Wall of HONOR recognizing their generosity and giving level.
Active K9s have the ability to be sponsored.
- Goal is to increase Handler engagement by challenging each to put in the time to get their K9 sponsored within their worlds.
- Tertiary benefit of spreading awareness via these various, yet specific avenues, having the Handler educate and pass mission purpose, etc.

- Each K9 will have a BIO featured via carousel or similar optic allowing the public to browse and select a K9 that they feel a connection to.
- The BIO layout will be angled toward a fresh and fun approach listing quick reference items to capture attention and keep the reader interested in seeing what is listed for the next one (i.e. a mixture of work, home and quirky facts relatable to vast majority of our audience and support target efforts).
- Once a K9 is Sponsored, the sponsor(s) will be listed in K9 BIO allowing POH to highlight unsponsored K9s in media efforts.
- Handlers will then be asked to send (exclusive) pics and provide tidbits on a quarterly basis minimum to their sponsors via a POH volunteer acting as mediator with these specific initiatives for privacy and ease purposes.
- An option for monthly in memorial or memoriam donations is an additional option to implement.

Sponsorship Opportunities per K9
(based on average cost of care and number of retirement years):

Sponsor Levels
Lifetime Sponsorship: $6,500
Yearly Sponsorship: $1,625
Monthly Sponsorship: $140

Sponsor a K9 individually!
Sponsor a K9 with your entire family!
Sponsor a K9 with a group of friends or coworkers!
Corporate and Small Business Sponsors are encouraged to help make an impact by Sponsorship!
Sponsor In Memory of a loved one or K9 Partner!

Sponsors will each receive a coveted Paws of Honor Challenge Coin and be featured on our online Wall of HONOR recognizing their generosity and giving level timeframe (Monthly, Yearly, Lifetime), as well as be listed on the specific K9 Bio Browsing Page!
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What Drives Us
Our Mission
The goal of Paws of Honor (POH) is to provide veterinary care and products at no charge for retired military and law enforcement K9s that have served our country, domestically or abroad. Retired K9s deserve accessible, high quality veterinary care in return for their commitment and sacrifice for our country and the monetary burden associated with veterinary care should not fall on the shoulders of the owner once the K9 has been decommissioned.